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October 21, 2015

#speechtherapyoops hosted by The Pedi Speechie

Karen from The Pedi Speechie is the host of #speechtherapyoops! If you need a good laugh, you definitely need to go check out theses blog posts. Each week, she has a new SLP share their #speechtherapyoops moment! This week I'm sharing my big OOOPS!

October 12, 2015


The Frenzied SLPs are linking up to share some Fun Fall-Themed Articulation Ideas!  I have preschoolers that have both articulation and language goals. There are so many opportunities to address articulation while working on language. My little guys absolutely love it when I bring my speech sessions outdoors. Today, I took them outside to our school courtyard to talk about Fall. While reading Fresh Fall Leaves, we practiced are target sounds /f/, /l/, and /v/.


We reviewed our 5 senses and discussed the way Fall - looks, sounds, feels, and smells. :) Next, I had them go explore the courtyard and collect leaves to bring back to the classroom. 

After we left the courtyard, we brought the leaves that they collected back to the classroom. We discussed the attributes of the leaves while continuing to use our target sounds! SmartExchange has several fall lessons and activities to use on the SmartBoard. We practiced using multi-syllabic words while identifying the names of the leaves that they found.

Gotta love Dollar Tree! I turned these adorable tissue box holders into Hungry Monsters! My students had a blast feeding the monsters their target words (Webber's Jumbo Artic book).

Thank you for stopping by! Have fun checking out other Fun Fall-Themed Articulation Ideas shared by other SLPs!

P.S. Follow me on Bloglovin' to get updates on any new blog posts! Happy Fall Y'all!